Welcome Jeerthi and Junmo!

Welcome Jeerthi Kannan and Junmo Sung to our team!

Jeerthi, a Research Assistant, brings her expertise in computational methods for data analysis and visualization to the Dongwon Lee Lab. Hailing from Tennessee, she earned her Bachelor's in Computational Biology from the University of Rochester and a Master's in Computer Science from Vanderbilt University.

Junmo, a Data Analyst, explores genomics and transcriptomics of kidney disease in the Ana Onuchic-Whitford Lab. With a Master's in Biomolecular Engineering and Bioinformatics from UC Santa Cruz and a Bachelor's in Genetic Engineering from Kyunghee University, Junmo enriches our team with his diverse academic background.

We're thrilled to have both Jeerthi and Junmo contribute their skills to advance our nephrotic syndrome research!


Postdoctoral Fellow Positions Available!


Discovering the Genomics of Kidney Disease - Live Q&A with NephCure